
  • 영어회화(2-9. 부탁하기)
    backup/english 2009. 12. 22. 12:13

    1. 공손한 부탁 | ~좀 해주시겠습니까? Whould you please...?
       Would you please move your car?
       Your car is blocking mine.

       Would you mind moving your car, a little bit, please?
       mind는 꺼리다라는 뜻, Would you mind + 동사 ~ing가 오면 ~해 주는게 꺼려지세요? 라는 뜻

       Could I ask you to move your car, alittle bit, please?
    2. 일상적인 부탁 | ~좀 해줄래요? Can you... please?

       Can you get me some water, please?

       Get me some water, will you?

       Do me a favor and get me some water.

       Could you do me a favor?

       I could use some water

    3. 다소 강압적인 부탁 | ~해 주세요 I'd like you to...

       I'd like you to finish this by tomorrow.

       I want you to mail this letter for me

       Please mail this letter for me

       I'd like to send this package to Korea.

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